
Digital India Mission: The Complete Guide |How It is Changing the Digital Landscape in India

The Digital India Mission is a flagship initiative of the Government of India with the objective to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. The Digital India Mission has set out to provide digital access to all citizens, including those in remote and rural areas. It also aims to ensure that government services are made available to citizens electronically by 2020.

The Digital India Mission is a flagship initiative of the Government of India with the objective to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy.

The Digital India Mission has set out to provide digital access to all citizens, including those in remote and rural areas. It also aims to ensure that government services are made available to citizens electronically by 2020.

Introduction: What is the Digital India Mission and How Does it Work?

The Digital India Mission is a program that is designed to develop India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. It is an initiative of the Government of India. The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) has been given the responsibility for implementing this program.

The Digital India Mission aims to provide digital services like e-Governance, e-Education, e-Health, etc. to people in rural areas through the use of information and communication technology (ICT). It also aims to promote digital literacy in schools and colleges across the country. The government has adopted an ‘optimum mix’ approach for implementation of this mission –

providing broadband connectivity in rural areas by laying optical fiber cables;

providing access to digital services through mobile devices;

The Digital India initiative was launched in the year 2015 and it has 9 flagship programs under this initiative.

Broadband Highways, Universal Access to Mobile Connectivity, Public Internet Access Programme, e-Governance: Reforming Government through Technology, e-Kranti – Electronic Delivery of Services, Information for All, Electronics Manufacturing, IT for Jobs and Early Harvest Programmes

Please check the Digital India website for more details

Broadband Connectivity

There are three subprograms under it

  • Broadband for All – Rural : To connect villages through National optic fiber network by Dec 2016.
  • Broadband for All – Urban : Virtual Network Operators be responsible for delivery & communication in the urban areas
  • Nation information infrastructure  (NII) : NII will integrate network and cloud infrastructure to provide high speed connectivity and cloud platforms to government department upto panchayat level.

Universal Access to Mobile connectivity

 This initiative is for the development of mobile coverage for the North East so that villages that are not covered under mobile connectivity can be provided access to mobiles.

Public Internet Access Program

The two components of this program are Common Service Centers (CSC) and Post Offices to deliver multiple Services. This program will strengthen and increase the number of CSCs so that atleast one CSC is there in each Gram Panchayat. They will be delivering more Government services and Business Services.

e-Governance – Reforming Government through Technology

This basic process of reengineering using IT to simplify and make the government process more efficient is important to the delivery of services across government departments and ministries and using IT for efficient implementation of the services.

eKranti – Transforming e-Governance for Transforming Governance

To focus on e-Governance initiatives at the national level Government established the National e-Governance Plan and the focus was on transparency, a common and simple delivery platform for services, reliability of services without an increase in costs. 27 mission-made projects were launched in 2006 and 4 more mission projects were launched in 2011. To improve further and to focus completely on e-Governance for Transforming Governance, the Government launched the eKranti program. Right now there are 44 mission made projects under eKranti programme. These projects are grouped into Central, State, and Integrated Projects. If you need more details on the project please click here,

Information for All

Information for All comprises of the following

Open Data Platform for hosting and sharing of information at one platform so that data can shared transparently by different ministries/departments. http://data.gov.in is meant for this purpose.

Government shall proactively engage through social media and Online Messaging platforms – They will commonly available social media platforms, web-based platforms like MyGov.in to share information to citizens on various schemes and welfare schemes. Online Messaging platforms will be used to send emails and SMS

Electronics Manufacturing

This pillar focuses on Zero electronics import by 2020 by promoting electronics manufacturing in the country. Focus areas are Fabless design, set-top boxes, VSAT, mobiles, incubators, clusters, R&D Electronics, Skill-building, etc.

IT for Jobs

This pillar focuses on providing training to youth for the skills required for employing them in IT/ITES companies. This focuses on providing training to people in smaller towns, villages, and also to the North Eastern States.

Early Harvest Programmes

Early Harvest Programmes consists of projects which have to be implemented in short timelines. Some of the examples of the projects are Biometric attendance, WIFI in all Universities, Secure Email within Government, Public WIFI Hotspots, and others.

What are the Goals of the Digital India Mission?

The Digital India Mission is the Indian government’s initiative to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. This mission aims to provide broadband connectivity to all citizens, transform education, healthcare, and agriculture; empower every citizen of India with digital skills; create 100 smart cities, and develop 100 model digital villages by 2020.

The goals of the Digital India Mission are:

– Broadband connectivity for all citizens by 2020

– Transform education, healthcare and agriculture

– Empower every citizen of India with digital skills

– Create 100 smart cities

– Develop 100 model digital villages by 2020

Top 3 Ways the Digital India Mission is Improving Indian Lives

Digital India is a campaign launched by the Indian government in 2015 with the goal of providing internet access to all citizens and make India a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. The campaign has been successful in providing internet access to many Indians, but it has also left many people behind.

The mission has provided several benefits to people such as 1) enabling citizens to use digital tools like google docs, 2) increased digital literacy, 3) increased employment opportunities for those previously unable to work due to disability or illiteracy.

How Can a Company Take Advantage of Digital Technologies to Empower Small Businesses?

Digital technologies are changing the way businesses operate. Today, even small businesses are leveraging the power of digital technologies to empower their employees and keep up with the competition.

There are many ways in which companies can take advantage of AI to empower their small business. For example, artificial intelligence can be used to automate mundane tasks like data entry and forecasting. This enables employees to focus on more important tasks that require human intelligence like customer service or product development.

Are there any Concerns or Obstacles for Success with this Initiative?

There are a few concerns that have been raised about the Digital India initiative. The first one is the security of data and privacy. The second concern is whether or not it will be affordable.

The government has been making efforts to address these concerns and bring in more clarity on these aspects by creating a Data Protection Bill, which will be introduced in the Parliament during the Winter Session.


The Digital India Mission is an ambitious project by the Indian government to transform the country into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. The mission aims to connect rural areas with high-speed internet connectivity, which would allow people in these areas to get access to information and education that is not available in their area.

The Digital India Mission has been successful in changing the lives of people living in rural areas for the better. It has also helped them become more educated and informed about various things that are happening in their region, as well as across the world.

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