
Janani Suraksha Yojana 2022 (JSY) : The Complete Guide | How it Can Help You | जननी सुरक्षा योजना

The Janani Suraksha Yojana is a government intervention program for safe motherhood. It is implemented under National Rural Health Mission (NHM).

Around 56,000 women in India die each year because of pregnancy-related complications. Additionally, every year over 13 lakh newborns die within a year of birth. Of these, around 2/3 of the infant deaths occur in the first four weeks of their lives. The aim of the scheme is to reduce this. Please read the detailed analysis in this article.

Introduction: What is Janani Suraksha Yojana?

The Janani Suraksha Yojana is a government intervention program for safe motherhood. Its goal is to reduce maternal mortality and promote institutional delivery. Launched on 12 April 2005 by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, the scheme has become an important step in the fight against maternal mortality. The scheme integrates cash assistance and post-delivery care, and is 100 percent centrally sponsored.

Janani Suraksha Yojana

The scheme is aimed at improving the quality of care for pregnant women and their infants. It has benefited illiterate women and low-income women in the rural areas, as well as disadvantaged women from lower-income groups. In addition, it has reduced the rate of antenatal care and maternal mortality. However, limited research has been done to assess the indirect effects of the JSY. Its effectiveness has been largely evaluated through studies of institutional delivery, breastfeeding, and contraception use.

The JSY has increased institutional deliveries by about three-quarters since its implementation in 2005. The increases were primarily among the poor and illiterate population. It also increased the number of institutional deliveries. The percentage of illiterate women was low relative to the total number of beneficiaries, and the JSY has increased institutional delivery by more than a third. With more women eligible for the program, the JSY has helped improve maternal and infant health.

The JSY has had a significant impact on poor women. Although the scheme focuses on poor and illiterate women, there are a few exceptions. For instance, JSY requires beneficiaries to deliver their babies in an institution. The JSY card should be used to monitor postnatal care and Antenatal checkups. This is an excellent program that is helping many pregnant women and their families.

The JSY scheme is focused on promoting institutional deliveries. Its aim is to reduce the overall mortality ratio of women who give birth in institutions. The JSY is a cash incentive scheme that encourages mothers to give birth in an institutional setting. The JSY is a health-related cash incentive scheme, and it is expected to improve maternal care in the country. In fact, the JSY card was introduced two years before and two years after the scheme was introduced.

Another important aspect of the Janani Suraksha Yojana is its focus on low-income, impoverished women. This has helped reduce maternal mortality and reduced infant mortality. The aims of the scheme are to help women afford the cost of maternity care and institutional delivery. The JSY focuses on poor and rural women. The cash assistance is paid to these women, regardless of their age.

The Janani Suraksha Yojana is a government-sponsored maternal health intervention. Its goal is to increase institutional delivery by providing cash assistance to mothers. The scheme pays women to give birth in accredited private hospitals. It is designed to help women afford maternity care in rural areas. Its benefits are not only financial, but they also reduce the risk of maternal death. A high-risk pregnancy may lead to early birth, and the JSS aims to reduce it.

The JSS aims to reduce maternal mortality by providing financial assistance to poor women who give birth in a government-run or accredited facility. The program’s goal is to increase the rate of institutional delivery by reducing the incidence of complications. This is a cost-effective way to improve maternal health. All pregnant women have the right to choose the best care for their baby. A JSY program that targets rural areas is a great way to reduce this risk and help pregnant women.

The Janani Suraksha Yojana is a government-funded program that targets poor pregnant women. The government-run scheme is designed to help women give birth safely. It uses an organised format to engage the community in the process. The ASHAs are accredited social health activists who provide free assistance to low-income women. As a result, the ASHA program has greatly improved institutional delivery rates in rural India.

The JSY is a social welfare program for rural women in India. It aims to reduce maternal mortality and promote institutional delivery. It has been implemented in all states and union territories. The JSY is currently being implemented in Madhya Pradesh and has been in place since August 2005. The state’s low-income populations are often disproportionately illiterate. Those who are illiterate are more likely to be institutionalized.


The Janani Suraksha Yojana has several objectives that are listed below:

– To reduce the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) by providing free medical care to pregnant women

– To provide cashless benefits to pregnant women and mothers

– To provide free drugs and medicines for pregnant women and mothers

– To increase institutional deliveries of pregnancy by providing cash incentives to pregnant women

Features of Janani Suraksha Yojana

States which have poor delivery rates are called Low Performing States (LPS). These states are Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Assam, Rajasthan, Orissa, and Jammu and Kashmir.

High Performing States: All other states other than the Low Performing States are classified as the High Performing States under the scheme.

Who is Eligible for Janani Suraksha Yojana?

Low Performing States (LPS)All pregnant women delivering in government health centres, such as Sub Centers (SCs)/Primary Health Centers (PHCs)/Community Health Centers (CHCs)/First Referral Units (FRUs)/general wards of district or state hospitals
High Performing States (HPS)All BPL/Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) women delivering in a government health centre, such as SC/PHC/CHC/FRU/general wards of district or state hospital
LPS & HPSBPL/SC/ST women in accredited private institutions

What is the Cashless Assistance amount under Janani Suraksha Yojana?


Cashless Assistance for Home delivery: Below Poverty Line women who are above the age of 19 who opts for home delivery will be entitled Rs 500 for delivery.

Note: Women who opt for delivery in accredited private hospitals will have to produce BPL or SC/ST certificates to get JSY benefits. In these cases, ASHA workers will not be eligible for claims.

What is the limit of Cashless Assistance under JSY?

LPS States: All births delivered in Health center either in Government or Private Accredited hospitals

HPS States: Coverage only up to 2 live childbirths.

Documents required for Janani Suraksha Yojana

  • Aadhaar card
  • Bank Account Passbook details
  • Address proof copy
  • Domicile certificate copy
  • Ration card
  • Janani Suraksha Card
  • Mobile Number
  • Delivery certificate from Hospital
  • Passport size Photo

Role of ASHA workers or other link health workers in JSY

  • Determine if a pregnant woman is one of the beneficiaries of the scheme and facilitate or report the registration process for ANC,
  • Assist the mother-to-be to obtain the necessary certificates whenever needed,
  • Aid and/or support women receive at minimum three ANC examinations, which include injections for TT, IFA tablets,
  • Find a functioning health centre or a reputable private health establishment to refer and deliver,
  • Counsel for institutional delivery,
  • Transfer the woman in need to the health center of their choice and remain with her until the woman’s discharge.
  • Make arrangements to immunize the infant up to 14 weeks of age,
  • Information about either the death or birth of the mother or child to the ANM/MO.
  • Post-natal visits within 7 days of the birth to assess the health of mother after birth and assist in getting treatment, whenever needed,
  • Affirmation of the need to start breastfeeding for the infant within an hour of birth and continue it for 3 months. Also, encourage family planning.

How to apply for Janani Suraksha Yojana?

  • Visit the official website NHM and look for JSY
  • If not find details from the above link, directly click here  to access the full document on JSY.
  • This document has all the FAQs as well.
  • The registration process is given in Annexure 1 in Page 12, the entire process with by ASHA/ANM/AWW or any link worker Identifying and Registering the beneficiary within 20-24 weeks before the date of delivery. This is the first process for getting registered to the JSY.
  • As soon as beneficiary or expected mother is regsiterd Filling up the Maternal and Child Card this is also done by ASHA/ANM/AWW or any link worker. The remaining part of the process is explained in this document.

Cash Assistance Disbursement process

Since the cash assistance is mainly for mother to meet the delivery or hospital expenses it should be dispersed at the health institution itself

  • Pregnant women going to public health institution for delivery the entire cash disbursement should be done at one shot.
  • Cash Assistance to beneficiary:
    • The mother and ASHA worker should get the cash assistance immediately in the health center as soon as the mother is registered for delivery
    • The ASHA worker or ANM should carry out the disbursement process, in ASHA workers absence AWW or link worker can carry out the disbursement under ANM guidance
  • Cash Assitance under private institution : Disbursement should be done by ASHA/ANM/Link worker and money should be directly paid to the beneficiary or the mother and not to any relative.

How to raise Grievances under JSY?

Each district should nominate an officer supported by an assistant to be responsible for hearing the grievances. All health centers should display the officer’s name, postal address, and telephone number.

They can hear cases under Eligibility of the scheme, Quantum of Cash provided under assistance, and delay in disbursement of the cash assistance.

Conclusion: Why You Should Apply for Janani Suraksha Yojana Today?

The Janani Suraksha Yojana is a program that was launched by the Government of India to help pregnant women. It provides a cash assistance for pregnant women in India who are below the poverty line.

If you need more details on Janani Suraksha Yojana please visit the official website.

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