
How to Find a Unique Land Parcel Identification Number in India

The Unique Land Parcel Identification Number (ULPIN) is composed of 14 digits which will be alphanumeric id. This will avoid dubious ownership of land and also help in the identification of the right owners

In India, the process to find a Unique Land Parcel Identification Number is not as straightforward as it is in other countries. In this article, we will take a look at the process to find a Unique Land Parcel Identification Number in India.

The Indian government has established a unique identification number for every land parcel. This number can be used by all government departments and agencies to identify the land parcel and track its ownership and transactions.

The ULPIN is composed of 14 digits which will be alphanumeric id. This will avoid dubious ownership of land and also help in the identification of the right owners in case of acquisition of land for public projects

The identification will be based on the longitude and latitude coordinates of the land parcel and is dependent on detailed surveys and geo-referenced maps.

This is the next step in the Digital India Land Records Modernisation Programme (DILRMP), which began in 2008. Ultimately the idea is to link land records with ownership details to revenue details and to the Aadhaar number.

The states selected part of the pilot were Bihar, Haryana, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Odisha and Jharkhand and now it will be rolled out to Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Tripura and Sikkim where pilot projects will be rolled out shortly and before the end of 2022 it will be rolled out to all states.

Introduction: What is a Unique Land Parcel Identification Number India and Why is it Important?

keywords: land parcel identification number, land parcel id, land parcel tracking

The Unique Land Parcel Identification Number (ULPIN) is a unique number assigned to each land parcel in India.

It is important for tracking the land parcel and its location. The ULPIN can be used to identify and track any piece of land, whether it belongs to the government or private parties, and this helps with efficient management of the lands.

Digital India Land Records Modernisation Programme (DILRMP) is a programme that was started in 2008 which was started for the purpose of ULPIN.

The 14 digit ULPIN will be developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC)

How to Find the Unique Land Parcel Identification Number in India

Land Parcel Identification Number (LPIN) is a 14 digit number issued by the Central Land Records Office, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. LPIN is a unique identification number for a land parcel in India. It has been introduced to provide a single point reference to any land parcel in the country.

The LPIN system enables efficient search and retrieval of records from the database of Land Records Offices across the country. The central government has identified all states and Union Territories, which have been assigned unique numbers for their respective LPINs. The Ministry of Rural Development has assigned each state or union territory with a unique number for its LPINs.

We will discuss the process of finding the Unique Land Parcel Identification Number in India. The ULPIN is based on the longitude and latitude of a land parcel.

The plan is to link to land records to court records and bank records and with Aadhaar number in the future.

Benefits of ULPIN scheme

ULPIN benefits mean that all land records, and transactions, will be transparent. It will keep land records current. It will be easier to share land information across financial institutions, departments, and other stakeholders. This will make it possible to provide land records services to citizens from one location. This scheme will protect government land and make it easier to acquire land. It is also cost-effective, according to the government. Aadhar will allow for the authentication of landowner data.


The Unique Land Parcel Identification Number in India is a 14-digit number that is to be given to all land parcels in India. This will help in improving transparency and accountability in real estate transactions by making it easier for the government to track the ownership of land parcels, which will prevent illegal real estate transactions.

Visit the ULPIN website for more updates.

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